Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Re: Third Post on Color

1. Describe Color and it's effects on emotions. Use the appropriate vocabulary of color in your posting.

Color is an element that can make or break a painting with the emotion it possesses.  After reading the text, and watching both videos I learned that color can simply do a lot more than just emit, transmit or reflect light.  It shows pure emotion which is beautiful. 

2.What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? Why?

The theoretical aspect of color that intrigues me the most is the emotion that color can inflict on an individual.  It can bring a artists audience to tears or have them express saw raw emotion which was shown in June's oil painting in which she is reflecting on a trip to Venice.  To still being quite foreign to the subject of art- it is so incredible that someone can be affected by the color of paint in a painting that a artist uses in a negative or positive way.

3. In the Color video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions?

The artist Rothko actually made the biggest impact on me in regards to color.  The artists goal was to provoke an emotional response- and that it surely did.  With this specific artist his paintings reflected a specific emotion and also what his meaning was behind the painting I found to be quite interesting to say the least.  He used such distinct bold colors to reflect his emotion.  

4. In the Feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions?

What had made the biggest impact on me while watching the feelings video- is not specifically what the was said during the pieces but how the different artists used colors to express their emotions.  The artists that made the biggest impact to me was Goya.  Some of his objects to me almost seemed hellish like.  It was quite fascinating how he used color to express his emotions and feelings during the stages of his life.

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