Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Re: Second Post

       In a way I do not know where to start with this second blog after watching both videos.  I have obtained a lot of interesting qualifying information from watching Aesthetics Philosophy of the Arts and also Neurobiology Neurology and Art and Aesthetics.  Below I will mention what I found to be interesting and entertaining about the topics. 

      What seemed to be a continuing trend between both the videos was an explanation of what art means to each of speakers and also various artists.  In the video Aesthetics’ Philosophy of the Arts gave an elaborative explanation of different artists points of views in pertaining to aesthetics.  The artists ranged from Kant whom is from the 18th century era to 20th century Tolstoy.  Both Danto and Nemaha give detailed descriptions of these different ideas that each of the artists represents which are actually really informative.

       The second video Neurobiology Neurology and Art and Aesthetics actually kept my interest more than the other.  Ramachandran made the concepts interesting despite his strong accent.  He had explained the different laws of aesthesis, which included grouping or binding, peek shift, and also symmetry.   The most interest fact/opinion that I had learned from both of these videos is that Rama believes that each person processes images differently and some images stimulate a person’s brain and some do not in way.  He described it as the artists basically try to distort they paintings to make them seem more beautiful to the brain.  Changeux also had shared a similar opinion to Rama in regards to art.  He believed that esthetic is defined by emotion and reason.  Infuriately I did find it quite difficult to understand Changeux due to his accent.

       These videos relate to the information we have covered thus far because it all correlates to art.  Each speaker had a similar but also different opinion on the topics and it was great to see how each speaker thinks and distinguishes art.

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