Thursday, October 27, 2011

Art Exploration Drawings

1. What was it like using your hand as subject matter for a drawing?
I thought it was interesting using my hand as the main focal point of the drawing.  I have never really used it as the subject before- and I didn’t believe I did to well.

2. What media did you select - pencil or charcoal? Why?
I used pencil to draw my hand.  The reason why I did is because it was the closets media I had to me while I was creating my piece on break at work.

3. How did it feel to create a drawing with your non-dominant hand?
It was uncomfortable to draw with my non-dominant hand.  I believe the only reason why it was uncomfortable is because I am not used to using that hand.

4. Compare and contrast your final drawings. Do you think they are successful studies?

I personally did not think that they were successful studies.  They are not my best pieces of art work that I have created, but hopefully not my worst.

5. Would you consider using your non-dominant hand to create artwork in the future?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Video Reviews

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.

I had chosen these four specifics videos because these artsist are the ones that I have found an interest in and most familiar with.  The artists & videos that I chose were The Drawings of Michelangelo, Lenoardo da Vinci "The Mind of the Renaissance", Albrecht Durer "Image of a Master", and Velazeqez.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

The Drawings of Michelangelo:
The Drawings of Michelangelo was very informative in showing how he created his different types of art.  besides being informative it showed the process he took to create a sketch or a drawing and the technique he used.

Leonardo da Vinci:
I chose this video because he truly is an artist that intrigues me, and his work is so intriguing. Onto the concepts of the video Leonardo da Vinci's life from birth until the end, and the different types of art works that he had created.  I now understand what his inspirations are, and actually more about who he is as an artist.

Albrecht Durer:
This video mainly focused on the different types of works that Durer created and what each of his pieces  had looked like.  It also had explained who and what his influences were.  It was interesting to see that he was one of the main contributors to the Renaissanc age.

This video actually proceeded to be one of the most interesting videos I had reviewed.  This artist portrayed the different emotions felt by the higher ups or "royals."

3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The videos relate to the readings in the text is most of the videos that I had reviewed pertained to the Renaissance ages.  Recently we have learned information about the different types of art work that was created during this time but not as much about the artists that had created them.  The videos gave myself and I am sure others a better understanding on how they came to be the artists they are.

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
 I actually enjoyed each of the films that I had chosen.  Each of them helped with given a better understanding to the concepts that are being portrayed in them and went into more depth about the information that we had learned in the reading.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Re: Video Reviews

Questions and Topics for Your Blog Posting:
1. Explain why you selected each of the three videos you choose from the selection listed above.

The reason why I had selected these specific three videos because they were the three that seemed most appealing to me.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

In the first video I watched the “Cairo Museum,” it was so intriguing.  This museum is actually one of the few I would love to visit-and I typically am not interested in any museums at all. Inside the Cairo museum there were ancient artifacts that sparked my interest the most.  The second I had watched was “A World Inscribed; The Illuminated Manuscript.”  After watching that video I had gathered a whole new respect for the concept.  I never new how long it actually took to create them.  Personally if anything takes any longer than a ½ hour I may loose patience. The third video I had chosen was “Late Gothic Art and Architecture.”  After actually watching the video I wasn’t interested in the concepts as much as I was the others.  The type of art isn’t something that interest me as much of the others because I tend to be interested in art and archeciture that is appealing to the eye.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The video relate to the readings in the text because they are reutilizing the concepts we have learned but in more depth so we are able to grasp a better understanding of them.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?

I enjoyed each of the films.  As I mentioned in response to the question prior, they helped me gather a better understanding to the concepts discussed in the text by elaborating on them.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Video Review Post

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

The concepts I learned in this video specifically pertrained to the style prairie.  Prairie style was influenced heavily in Frank Lloyd Wright's work truly changed the face of modern architecture.  He used floating horizontal planes that related to a organic relationship with what he consider to be his natural surroundings.

The Science of Design: 

The concepts that I learned in the video The Science of Design specifically pertained to skyscrapers.  Skycraoers have had a major impact on our society as a whole especially in cities.  Also, there was ways that were discussed to protect this types of buildings from wind storms.

An interesting fact I had learned is, they can sometimes move one whole meter in a wind storm!  When you really think about that, imagine if you are in a high rise-did you know this may or may not have happened to you? 

Classical Archeciture:

To say the least this video was my least favorite of them all.  It explained about ancient cultures and the classical archeciture of the Greek and Romans. As mentioned in the video both Greek and Romans have had a strong influence on our civilizations even now a days.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The videos relate to the readings in the text by explaining in much deeper detail of the different concepts discussed in the chapter.  I actually quite like watching the videos because I feel I grasp a better understanding of what the concept are we are needing to learn for each chapter.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?

As I mentioned in my answer to question number two, I feel that the videos are very helpful.  After watching the videos I feel like I have a specific path I am following for the chapter because of the concepts that are mentioned.  They go into better more interesting depth sometimes when explaining each of the concepts.  In regards to architecture each of the videos touched on the concepts of Architecture which helped greatly.
4. From the group of four that you had a choice: Why did you choose that film?

I choose the film "Last Call for Planet Earth" because I actually had found it most interesting.  The video explained different ways in which we can better our environment so we can protect it from future harm that has already been done.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Art Making/Material Exploration #3 Installation

A. What is installation art?

Installation art is  an artistic genre of site-specific, three-dimensional works designed to transform the perception of a space.

B. What materials are used installation art?

After doing a bit of research it is proven that there are no specific types of materials an artist has to use when creating installation art.  The artists can in a way use whatever they want to be able to get the specific genre that they want for their piece.

C. Why make installation art? 

An artist makes installation art as a form of self expression and also the attract specific emotions from the observer.  In many of images that I have seen on online each of the pieces of work that incorporate installation art are in a small or large spaces.  In these spaces the reason why they place the objects like they do, or the way the room is set up is to as explained above attract an emotion.

D. Which artist/installation did I find most interesting?

The installation I found to be most interesting is "Fireflies on the Water" by Yayoi Kusama.  I originally wanted to use the concept that was portrayed in this installation but had a difficult time creating it myself.  The purpose of the piece was to have viewers forget about the outside world and enter into an imaginative world.  The piece was absolutely beautiful. 

A. From the material reviewed, is there a inspiration piece that I feel a connection with?

The inspiration piece that I felt the biggest connection with was Thomas Hirschhorn "Jumbo Spoons and Big Cake."  I truley felt like in a way this piece resembled what my house looks like sometimes after a busy week-and my pictures will represent that.

B. What theme do I want to explore in my installation? Refer to your textbook if you need to review Themes of Art. (chapter 3 in text)
(Nature, Environment, Self, Mass Media, Consumerism, etc.)

The theme in the book that I want to explore with my installation was "Stories and History."   I was trying to tell a story with my images that I had captured that I consider to be installation art.

C. What materials will I use?

The materials that I used was my bed, bedspread, blankets, dirty laundary, plasma tv, tv stand, alarm clock- almost just about everything in my room besides my closet.

D. Where will this installation be located and why?

My installation was located in my room.  The reason why it was located in my room is because, as mentioned in the text my images represent someone or someones that have had a busy week and this is the aftermath of it.

<a href=";current=1317858800.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Reviewing Peer Artwork

1. Hyperlink the Blogs you reviewed into your Blog

2. When looking at Project #1: (Elements and Principles), did you agree with the element or principle the artist listed with the images? Did you see other elements and principles in the images?

When reviewing Andi's post for project 1, I did indeed agree with the elements and principles that were listed with each of the images.   In her image representing light, another image that had listed that I believe showed light was her image on mass.  She captured beautiful real life pictures of each of the concepts, and you could clearly see each of the concepts portrayed.

3. When looking at Project #2: Where there any images in the Peer Blogs the same as your own? If yes, what were they? Where the reasons the image was selected the same or different as your own?

In Jessica's illustrations for our second project we did not per say have the same images but I believe that are concept was the same.  We formed a logo of something that meant something to us and incorporated different small images to it with things that we love. I believe everyone came up with a different idea for the project because each person is different in what is unique and has their own opinions on what they think is important.

4. Where there any images that your Peers selected that pique your interest now? If yes, what are they and what is your connection with them? What would you want to know about them?

Yes.  When I was reading through Jessica's blog on her art visit she took a picture of a intriguing object that had all different sorts of different things attached to it.  What I would like to know about the piece is why did this artist create this work of art in this specific way? It is absolutely fascinating that this object is hanging by wires but the piece is still staying together.  I personally do not have a connection with the piece besides finding it to be pure genius.

5. What do you think about  the process of reading your peers reflection? Do you find this to be a valuable in your learning?

I do like the process of reflecting.  I believe that as long as other peers are reflecting in a honest but still kind way- it will be truly helpful to each of us.

6. Check your Blog and read comments posted by your Peers. Do you find their comments helpful?

Unfortunately I have not had any comments yet on my page, but as soon as I do I will update my blog!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Video Review

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

For each of the video's I watched I learned different concepts that I found to be quite interesting.  In "Through the eyes of the Sculptor," I learned about the history of sculpting and how one goes about the process.  My favorite quote from the movie is" Sculpture comes alive in clay, dies in plaster, and is reborn in marble."  There are many different types of rock that sculptors use as their canvas.  The rock varies that one sculpts from many different types of marble.  This gives a short but detailed description of sculpting.   Many clay artists hope to be able to have the opportunity that Emmanuel Fillion has, he was able to help restore the Norte Dame Cathedral.

The next video we were assigned to watch was "Glass and Ceramics."  As stated in the video, glass and ceramics are proven to be some of the worlds oldest man-made materials.  There are two different types of glass making techniques; glass blowing and art of stained glass windows.  Glass is made from sand, which is considered to be one of the most abundant substance on the face of the earth.  It is not considered to be a solid, but does stiffen one it is cooled.  Glass makers use many different substances to create the mixture that consists of silicon dioxide and sodium oxide. The process seems to be quite lengthy, but the images I had seen on the video and the objects that are made of glass that I own make it all worth it.

The third video we were required to review is "Installation Art."  Installation art is considered to be fashionable yet controversial trend that manipulates space and perception which in return foresee the viewer to look at three-dimensional space in much different ways.   This art form can incorporate many unique ideas that can be physical areas of a site or create a certain experience in a different environment.  The video showed many different ways in which artists create this type of art.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The videos relate to the text by relating to similar concepts that are discussed in the text.   I believe that even though each concept is very different in more ways than one- but they seem to also incorporate some of the same concepts.  In glass making and also sculpting attention to detail is key.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft?

I thought the films gave me a much better understanding of the different concepts.  They show you the real life form on how one sculpts an object made out of marble or how a glass maker creates and forms the lengthy process of glass.  Or how an installation artist takes a picture of a messy bed that creates a focal point for the piece and actually does force the viewer to look at the object in a three dimensional way. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Logo Design

1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo.
When creating my logo, I thought about all of the things that interest me, and would resemble myself in a logo.

2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation?

When I initially was coming up with ideas for this project,  I thought about the simples images that would resemble what I enjoy doing, and who I am.  The NA stands for my initials, this logo was all about me.  My first sketch that I had started with shows the progress as the logo enhanced each time it was redrawn.  I love to to vacation and visit warm places so I added images of palm trees.  Also, I added in the sun to incorporate two different characteristics; I am a bubbly, warm, outgoing person- and also as mentioned loves warm places.

3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?

The most important discovery I found in creating my logo is, that I found out I do have a creative side of myself that I typically do not use.  It made me think in a different way that I am not used to thinking but can!

4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?

I thought most important information I had obtained from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material was the video on "What's in a Logo."  It described the in depth process that a company goes through to create a specific logo.  The overall purpose of a company brainstorming to come up with the best possible option, is the logo represents the company.  If a company were to create a logo that had a small amount of "sizzle" it will refelect negatively upon them and sales.