Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Reviewing Peer Artwork

1. Hyperlink the Blogs you reviewed into your Blog


2. When looking at Project #1: (Elements and Principles), did you agree with the element or principle the artist listed with the images? Did you see other elements and principles in the images?

When reviewing Andi's post for project 1, I did indeed agree with the elements and principles that were listed with each of the images.   In her image representing light, another image that had listed that I believe showed light was her image on mass.  She captured beautiful real life pictures of each of the concepts, and you could clearly see each of the concepts portrayed.

3. When looking at Project #2: Where there any images in the Peer Blogs the same as your own? If yes, what were they? Where the reasons the image was selected the same or different as your own?

In Jessica's illustrations for our second project we did not per say have the same images but I believe that are concept was the same.  We formed a logo of something that meant something to us and incorporated different small images to it with things that we love. I believe everyone came up with a different idea for the project because each person is different in what is unique and has their own opinions on what they think is important.

4. Where there any images that your Peers selected that pique your interest now? If yes, what are they and what is your connection with them? What would you want to know about them?

Yes.  When I was reading through Jessica's blog on her art visit she took a picture of a intriguing object that had all different sorts of different things attached to it.  What I would like to know about the piece is why did this artist create this work of art in this specific way? It is absolutely fascinating that this object is hanging by wires but the piece is still staying together.  I personally do not have a connection with the piece besides finding it to be pure genius.

5. What do you think about  the process of reading your peers reflection? Do you find this to be a valuable in your learning?

I do like the process of reflecting.  I believe that as long as other peers are reflecting in a honest but still kind way- it will be truly helpful to each of us.

6. Check your Blog and read comments posted by your Peers. Do you find their comments helpful?

Unfortunately I have not had any comments yet on my page, but as soon as I do I will update my blog!

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