Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Video Reviews

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.

I had chosen these four specifics videos because these artsist are the ones that I have found an interest in and most familiar with.  The artists & videos that I chose were The Drawings of Michelangelo, Lenoardo da Vinci "The Mind of the Renaissance", Albrecht Durer "Image of a Master", and Velazeqez.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

The Drawings of Michelangelo:
The Drawings of Michelangelo was very informative in showing how he created his different types of art.  besides being informative it showed the process he took to create a sketch or a drawing and the technique he used.

Leonardo da Vinci:
I chose this video because he truly is an artist that intrigues me, and his work is so intriguing. Onto the concepts of the video Leonardo da Vinci's life from birth until the end, and the different types of art works that he had created.  I now understand what his inspirations are, and actually more about who he is as an artist.

Albrecht Durer:
This video mainly focused on the different types of works that Durer created and what each of his pieces  had looked like.  It also had explained who and what his influences were.  It was interesting to see that he was one of the main contributors to the Renaissanc age.

This video actually proceeded to be one of the most interesting videos I had reviewed.  This artist portrayed the different emotions felt by the higher ups or "royals."

3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The videos relate to the readings in the text is most of the videos that I had reviewed pertained to the Renaissance ages.  Recently we have learned information about the different types of art work that was created during this time but not as much about the artists that had created them.  The videos gave myself and I am sure others a better understanding on how they came to be the artists they are.

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
 I actually enjoyed each of the films that I had chosen.  Each of them helped with given a better understanding to the concepts that are being portrayed in them and went into more depth about the information that we had learned in the reading.

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