1. Upload the three (3) inspiration images to your Blog (or link to your Photobucket account). Explain why you selected the inspiration pieces.
2. Include the analysis and description (art criticism steps) of the three (3) inspiration pieces.
The first set of masks were inspired by Western African inspiration. They were used in tribal ceromonies in which the people express moral as well as important social and religions values for the community. The second inspirational piece shown had an Ventian inspiration and was created out of paper mache.- Neat! "Fang" which is the third mask that had sparked my interest as mentioned above had an African decent. It was created out of wood and was used for the ngil cermonies which aided in the search for socerors.
3. Upload images of your sketches and finished piece.
4. Explain how you used the Elements and Principles in your finished mask.
How I was able to incorporate different elements and principles into my finished mask was using mainly the techniques that I had observed from the other masks that I had researched. I focused on the balance, form, line, and texture.
5. Share your opinion of your finished mask and what you thought about creating the mask.
I am not impressed with my finished mask because I feel that if I had a better ability in creating one, my thoughts truly could have been represented in my creation. I thought creating the mask itself was quite neat. Typically in many of my classes you are not really able to express yourself in the way we are able to in Fundamentals of Art class.
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