Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Video Reviews

Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.

I selected each of the following videos for the same reasoning as prior- they seemed to be the most interesting to me. Hockney on Photography sparked my interest because I really seem to find an interest in photography as a whole because it is amazing to me what one can capture.  The other videos that I had choosen were ones that I wanted to learn about.

For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

Abstract Expressionism & Pop-One of the main focuses in this video is how Abstract Expressionism was created and how it correlates with American & European art.  This video really interested me because I love all different types of this type of art.

Hockney on Photography- I choose this video because I seem to have a real liking for photography.  One of my favorite things about this video is that it let the viewer understand what the process actually contains & the process that goes behind creating the art.  This video per say didn’t relate to the chapter as much as the other but it did relate to others.

Isamu Noguchi: The sculpture of Spaces-One of the main focuses of this video was the artist Isamu Noguchi which specialized in sculptor.  It discussed part of Ismau Noguchi’s past that showed how his work is influenced.

Andy Warhol: Images of an Image-The main focus of the video is discussing who Andy Warhol is & what he is all about.  The discussed his creation of silk screening which once a design is created, ink is daubed onto the mesh. The ink is then pressed into the design with a squeegee, and the impression will be hung out to dry.  One of my favorite creations that Andy did was the Campbell's Soup design-that is so neat.

How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The videos relate to the readings in the text they discussed topics and even some of the artists that were discussed in the chapter.  The videos included much more in depth details about the subjects that we have discussed in the chapter. 

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